A Slice of Life on our 3rd Tuesday


Afternoon Slicers and members of our SI 2013,

Just before the Thruway entrance this morning,  I  brake quickly to avoid crashing into the truck in front of me, almost at a dead stop. We are surrounded by trucks everywhere, crawling in all the 3 lanes, soon to increase to 5. Good thing I left even earlier than usual.  I had time to send a text to  Christine, (shhh, don’t tell) adjust my ipod and click to a playlist that I hadn’t listened to in months.

Lately, I’ve been listening exclusively to anything on WNYC 93.9, but the news is making me a bit crazy, so I have folded music back in my riding life. I put on a playlist entitled: Party, probably from my anniversary party to celebrate our 10 years together.  I had a few Israeli tunes to begin, for equal time. When the second song began playing I was starting to move in my lane but the music caught me off guard and I started tearing up to a song that is a Tuvia favorite.

Even though I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, fluent in Hebrew, as you might remember, I can connect and make sense of my favorite songs, especially songs that Tuvia and I both love.  “The Last War”, caught me unawares.  A man sings to his young daughter, pledging to her that she will never know war.  I love  the way  Yahoram Gaon. pronounces his words with passion and commitment.

Of course he was unable to make good on his commitment. Israel is still in search of peace.

I was stopped in time, realizing  that this song connects us deeply. . We are both aching these days, for peace, for humanity.


About digital bonnie

Greetings, I am a teacher, a digital pioneer, a writer, a sister, an aunt, a Democrat, a lover of the image and the word, a Prius owner, a guitar lover, and born student. I love working as a Co-Director of the Hudson Valley Writing Project
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1 Response to A Slice of Life on our 3rd Tuesday

  1. lgrainger125 says:

    There is such strong visual and auditory content in this piece that moves the reader to the emotion.

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